For The Bloomfield Group´s Praveen `Prav´Chelliah Real Estate is an Art and a Science

As the world continues adjusting to the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, for real estate and brand building savants such as Prav Chelliah, the bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity. The young business visionary and revered lifestyle icon has seized the moment and successfully positioned himself and his robust portfolio of companies at the forefront of the ever evolving “new normality”.

Chelliah´s enterprises include The Bloomfield Group – which has become synonymous with risk-free, high impact and high quality developments and encompasses three divisions: Bloomfield Custom Homes, Bloomfield Development and Bloomfield Renovation.

Praveen´s entrepreneurial nature is undeniable. He´s also diversified his business portfolio including Pluto Plants (a household name within Canada´s burgeoning legal cannabis industry) and the rapidly expanding ultra premium alcoholic beverage brand Ballers champagne.

Praveen spoke to us recently in an interview with Elite Property:

What has been your biggest professional success to date?

Success can be measured in many ways. What has made me the most money (if that’s your definition of success) would easily be my real estate development firm Bloomfield homes. Development can bring in large revenues, but it´s slow cash, and the process to developing is also very capital intensive; You need to put in years of backend paper work, permits, city counsel meetings, etc. And you don’t receive any money until the project is complete, so make sure you can last. I know a lot of developers who started developing yet had to declare bankruptcy due to the lack of cash flow to keep them afloat. In development you can be having cash outflows of millions of dollars for years until the project is finally closed.

What has been your biggest failure?

Trusting too many people. I always give people the benefit of the doubt, and I’ve learned you can’t do that, everybody’s in it for themselves.

What have been the biggest lessons you´ve learned?

Money doesn’t buy happiness. I was born and lived quite some on the lower end of the economic spectrum. But, I would say those were my happiest times. Money brings problems you thought were only in the movies. It’s always a constant state of paranoia, who do I trust? Who’s really my friend? Are they just with me for the free ride? Constant thoughts like this on top of daily hate mail from random Instagram followers really can have a strain on a human´s well being. I honestly don’t let it bother me, funny to say I’ve gotten used to it!

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